The Wooden Spoon will be a fundraiser for the BHS girl's soccer program and BIFC Financial Assistance Program, we will also be hosting a food drive for Helpline House, Bainbridge, and Fishline, Poulsbo. The 2024 Wooden Spoon will take place on Sunday 28th April at Woodward Middle School Turf Field.
We will also be accepting food donations for Helpline House and soccer cleat donations for the Good Play America Foundation.
Adult Open (16 years +), Adult Over-40, 9-10th Grade, 7-8th Grade, 5-6th & 3-4th Grade.
All HS and adult teams are coed, teams must have at least one female/male player on the field at any time.
REGISTRATION OPENS MARCH 22nd, 2024 (closes when brackets are filled or by April 16)
Link to schedule (opens April 17th)
The Wooden Spoon Rules
The Wooden Spoon is a fun 4v4 Jamboree, with the winning team receiving a "Wooden Spoon". The event has been played since the early 2000s, with teams competing in multiple age groups (youth through adult). You can enter as a team or individual, the event is also used as a food collection for Helpline House.
Teams must check in at least 30 minutes before the team's first game time with all players present.
Players must have submitted the required paperwork (team application, medical release form for each player, and team fee) in order to play.
Each team is guaranteed at least three (3) matches during the day.
The duration of each match is 20 minutes (the game starts and ends by whistle/horn).
Teams are allowed to roster 8 players - only 4 players on the field.
The team listed first on the schedule is the "home" team and will choose sideline, and jersey color.
Pinnies may have to be worn if color conflicts occur.
The away team gets the kick-off.
REFEREES: Games are self-refereed by the players, not parents.
EQUIPMENT: All players must wear shin guards; cleats are allowed on the Turf Fields.
SUBSTITUTIONS: Substitutions are done on the fly within two yards either side of the midfield.
REFUNDS: In the event the tournament is cancelled, teams will receive a refund. Otherwise there will be no refunds.
SCORING: Teams will be awarded points for results as follows:
In the event that two or more teams are tied in points within a bracket, the following tie breakers will be used in order to determine the winner of each bracket:
A. Head to Head score.
B. Goal difference.
C. Least goals allowed.
D. Goals scored.
E. Sudden death PK shootout.
WIN = 6 points TIE = 3 points LOSS = 0 points
Regular soccer rules will prevail with the following EXCEPTIONS:
A: There is NO offside rule.
B. After a goal has been scored, the team restarting, will kick-off from anywhere within their goal line.
C: Absolutely no slide tackling!
D: Handballs, result in direct free kick. All other free-kicks are in-direct.
E: The defense must give three yards on all re-starts.
F: No throw-ins, kick-ins only.
G: No Goalkeepers (field player cannot stand within designated area - see colored marker).
The official Wooden Spoon will be awarded to the winning team in each bracket & best dressed team in each age group.
Let's Play!