Select Soccer 2024/2025 Season
Winter/Spring Select Skills & League Play 20
We are changing our Winter Skills training program to incorporate a spring NPSL games program to allow our Select players a greater opportunity to play full-field games as well as modified play within practice days.
Monday - Group Skills Training
Wednesday - Modified Soccer 6v6/7v7 Game Days
Weekend - Six weekend games within NPSL league play (9v9 or 11v11 age dependent)
BIFC’s Winter Select training and games program is designed for players currently playing and aspiring to play in a select competitive environment. Our Winter/Spring Select league program is open to girls and boys born in 2015 through 2010 (8th graders), who have a passion and commitment to play at a competitive level of soccer. BIFC’s select staff will lead training sessions and play a 6-game NPSL season (3-home & 3-away). We will create competitive NPSL teams on assessment of registrations and the number of players signed up per age group. Questions - e: ian@bifc.net
Program Details:
Training sessions will take place at Woodward Middle School fields.
Monday training dates: Feb 24 thru April.
2:30 - 3:30pm for 2015 - 2013 age groups
3:45 - 5:00pm for 2012 - 2010 age groups
Wednesday training dates: Feb 26, Mar 5, 12, 19 & 26.
4:00 - 5:15pm for 2015 - 2013 age groups
6:15 - 7:15pm for 2012 - 2010 age groups
NPSL 6- Games: Feb 22 - April 12 (game schedule will be adjusted to align with school breaks).
The NPSL game schedule will be released in early February.
Players will need a BIFC-select uniform package.
Select Soccer - Tournament Calendar & Tryout Dates 2025/2026 Season
U10 Development Academy:
July 16th: Peninsula Jamboree
Aug 6th: Peninsula Jamboree
Aug 15th - 17th: Island Cup
Aug 27th: DA Scrimmages
U11 - U14 Select Teams:
June 27th - 29th: Skagit Firecracker
July 25th - 27th: Crossfire Select Cup
Aug 15th - 17th: Island Cup
U15 - U19 Select Teams:
June 27th - 29th: Skagit Firecracker
July 12th - 14th: Northwest Surf Cup (G07, B08 Blue, B09 Blue, B11)
July 25th - 27th: Crossfire Select Cup
Aug 8th - 10th: Cascadia Coastal Cup (G07)
Aug 22th - 25th: Eastside Cup (B07 - B11 teams)
Dec 5th - 7th: Portland Boys Showcase (B07 - B11 teams)
Dec 12th - 14th: Portland Girls Showcase (G07)
Founders Cup:
Jan 3rd - Feb 8th, 2026: 2015 - 2012 teams
Presidents Cup:
Jan 10th - Feb 22nd, 2026: B07 Blue, B09 Blue, B10 Blue & B11 Blue
April - May: Girls 07

Select Soccer at BIFC
Bainbridge Island FC (BIFC) is extremely proud of its Select Soccer Program. The success of BIFC's teams can be directly contributed to the long-term, progressive development of the individual players on our teams. From the beginning, BIFC players are trained with their long-term development in mind rather than immediate team success. BIFC coaches are committed to this philosophy and our club utilizes a professional coaching staff to ensure that players get the maximum amount of learning and development.
Everything we do is about building people and building kids. We believe that good values lead to good people, and good people can do great things. The way we do that is through soccer, we provide opportunities for players to play the beautiful game because the beautiful game is fun to play. Our players are trained with their long-term development in mind rather than immediate team success, but we find success following this path. Come play on our team.
Not only does BIFC select team players to perform well in the realm of club soccer, but BIFC training is also proven preparation for high school soccer. The strength of a high school program usually reflects the number of club players on the team and the level at which those players compete during their club season.
Bainbridge Island FC - Playing Roles

Bainbridge Island FC - Age Development Objectives

Play Ups
Children will be allowed to try out for older age groups, please notify Technical Director - Phil Avison if you intend to try out for an older age group. Players trying out for an older age group must try out for their age group. We do have a set criteria for players being allowed to play up, each player's position will be individually reviewed by the BIFC Director of Coaching and coaching staff.
HS Age Groups
BIFC teams within the older age groups will be formed in a similar manner to how HS teams are formed across the state of Washington and the US. With Varsity, JV, and JVC groups representing the club.
Select Level Commitment
At BIFC, select teams train 2 times each week for 1.5 hours each session. In addition, goal keepers are required to attend goalkeeper training weekly. Scrimmages, practice games, and tournaments are an integral part of the commitment. Scrimmages or practice games may be scheduled during the week in addition to regular training or on the weekends. Teams enter 3 tournaments each summer which will require weekend travel in the Puget Sound area, and possibly beyond.
Beyond the added training, match, and tournament requirements, select-level players are truly challenged to perform at a higher level both technically and tactically, individually and as a team. More is expected of each player and each team in commitment, effort, desire, and development results.
Where Do Our Select Teams Play?
Bainbridge Island FC continues to explore avenues for the best competitive soccer playing opportunities for our players. We always evaluate league placement to challenge our players and to add variety to the experience. At the same time, we remain cognizant of the time, travel and costs of the program as a whole. Our younger teams will play in North Puget Sound League (NPSL) while with our high-school age teams we will consider Washington Premier league (WPL), as described below. We feel strongly that there should be opportunities for our competitive players to play on a team, and for us to be able to provide the appropriate playing experience for our players all the way up to the elite level.
The Playing Pathway
The playing pathway for our teams is not easy, some avenues that should be open are not, and therefore we have to best navigate that to meet the needs of our Bainbridge Island FC competitive select teams.
Foundation Phase - Under 10-11 ages
Discovery Phase - Under 12-13 ages
Competitive Phase - Under 14-15 ages
Elite Phase - Under 16+ ages
Peninsula League (NPSL)
For the Foundation Phase U10 age group, we try to minimize travel and in 2023 we created the Peninsula League which allows the majority of our U10 age group players to play all their games on the Olympic Peninsula.
North Puget Sound League (NPSL)
At the Foundation and Discovery Phases, we believe that playing in the local North Puget Sound League provides excellent levels of competition that ensure our players are challenged and develop as individuals & teams.
Placement in these leagues provides opponents in the Greater Seattle area and ensures we minimize travel whilst ensuring we find appropriate levels of competition. NPSL1 is the highest level in these leagues.
Washington Premier League (WPL)
At the competitive and elite phases, we evaluate if the Washington Premier League (WPL) might be a good fit - we consider the level of competition, travel, cost, and the calendar. From our experience in 2022, we did not find the WPL to be a good fit. However, we will continue to evaluate that each year as we aspire to find the most suitable and developmentally appropriate fit for our players.